Our School Day

The start of the school day

Our school gate opens at 8.35am and shuts again at 8.50am. Pupils can come straight into their classes where they will engage in an early morning task whilst being registered. 


Registration                                                            8.45

Phonics / Spelling / Reading                      9.00 - 9.30/9.45

Session 1                                                                    9.30 - 10.30

Morning Break                                                     10.30 - 10.45 

Session 2                                                                  10.45 - 12.00

 Afternoon Session                                           13.00 - 15.20


The end of the school day

The school day ends at 3.20pm. Each class is escorted by their class teacher to their designated exit point by the gates that lead from the school onto the playground. All teachers remain with their pupils until their parent/carer is identified to collect them. If a pupil is walking home they will be encouraged to go home immediately and not to stay in the playground at the end of the day. All parents are encouraged to inform the school office as soon as possible if they are unable to collect their child at the end of the school day so that alternative arrangements can be made and communicated to staff and the pupil.


Total hours per week - 32.5hrs